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What Does a Bookkeeper Do?

  • Written by Business Daily Media

Ever wondered who keeps the financial wheels of a business turning smoothly? It's the bookkeeper. If you've been puzzled about what a bookkeeper does, this article is for you. We'll unpack the role of a bookkeeper and explore why they're a crucial part of any successful business.

The Basics

At its core, bookkeeping is about keeping track of money. A bookkeeper records every financial transaction a business makes, from the sales it generates to the bills it pays. They ensure that every dollar is accounted for, making them the financial custodians of a business.

You might be asking, "Isn't that what an accountant does?" Although bookkeepers and accountants both handle financial data, they have distinct roles. A bookkeeper is like the chef who gathers and prepares the ingredients - they record all transactions. An accountant, on the other hand, is like the master who turns those ingredients into a gourmet meal - they interpret and analyse the recorded data.

Roles and Responsibilities

So, what tasks does a bookkeeper handle? Let's break it down:

  1. Daily Record Keeping: Every business transaction is meticulously recorded by the bookkeeper. No matter how big or small, if money changes hands, the bookkeeper notes it down.
  2. Accounts Receivable and Payable: The bookkeeper takes care of the money coming in (receivable) and going out (payable) of your business.
  3. Payroll: For businesses with employees, the bookkeeper makes sure everyone gets their pay on time and in the right amount.
  4. Financial Reports: The bookkeeper prepares financial reports, providing a clear picture of the business's financial health.

The Impact of a Bookkeeper

Think of a bookkeeper as your business's financial GPS. They help you navigate the complex financial landscape, ensuring your business stays on the right path.

Consider a small business in Sydney. The owner, already busy with the day-to-day operations, is struggling to keep up with the financial records. By engaging a fully qualified bookkeeper, the owner can ensure accurate financial tracking while freeing up time to focus on business growth.

When and Why to Hire a Bookkeeper

If the financial management of your business is eating up more of your time than you'd like, it might be time to hire a bookkeeper. A professional bookkeeper ensures accuracy, saves time, and can provide valuable insights to help your business thrive.

Choosing the Right Bookkeeper

When selecting a bookkeeper, consider their qualifications, experience, and industry knowledge. Look for bookkeepers registered with professional organisations like the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) in Australia. These professionals adhere to high standards and commit to continuous learning.

In a nutshell, a bookkeeper plays a critical role in maintaining your business's financial health. They handle the intricate details of your finances, allowing you to focus on what you do best - running your business. So, if you've been juggling financial tasks along with your core business, it might be time to consider hiring a bookkeeper. After all, maintaining good financial health is key to business success.

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